
I'm a Lone Wolf I don't Trust Anyone Teachers,Politicians Fake Friends,Old Ex-Girlfriends They Piss Me Off For A Long Time,It's Enough! It's Time To Fight And Stand Up! No Anxiety In This World Of Sharks And Vultures I'll Survive,I'll Take My Revenge In This World Of Sharks And Vultures In This World Of Sharks And Vultures Nobody Can Say That You Are Weak Or A Failure Nobody Can Say That I'm Weak Or A Failure They Piss Me Off For A Long Time,It's Enough! It's Time To Fight And Stand Up! No Anxiety In This World Of Sharks And Vultures I'll Survive,I'll Take My Revenge In This World Of Sharks And Vultures In This World Of Sharks And Vultures Nobody Can Stop Me If You Want... Try To Kill Me! Kill Me! In This World Of Shark And Vultures In This World Of Shark And Vultures
Writer(s): Domenico Tornambe Lyrics powered by