
Welcome aboard folks Thank you for coming Very much looking forward To getting this space mission running Now you've all got tasks So get to work! Don't dilly daily Wipe that smirk Repairing broken wires And swiping the card Filling up the gas For multiple parts I heard a ruckus Something suspicious in the vents Then a horrible scream A vicious torment Emergency meeting A mangled corpse was found The top half's gone And the rest is on the ground We must discuss this Who the hell could it be? Can't know for sure But one fact is a certainty There is an imposter among us! There is an imposter among us! Crewmates come together Eject them, make things better There is an imposter among us! The bloody lights are out I can't see a thing I smell a treacherous crewmate Sabotaging The oxygen's leaking Better plug it up Or we'll all suffocate and like watermelons Our heads will pop We must have Justice And we must have hope Blaming without prove Is a slippery slope I may be a doctor But I cannot fix A patient who's torso Has departed from the hips Damn Now everybody meet In the cafeteria We're dropping like files It's full hysteria If no one has any clues And you feel the fear Let's vote the doc off the ship Cause he was acting weird There is an imposter among us! There is an imposter among us! Crewmates come together Eject them, make things better There is an imposter among us! Enough is enough This ain't a game of clue If we don't solve this now Then we're all screwed Put your heads together How are we this dumb? To have no idea Of where these murders are coming from The only way we can save ourselves from being shanked Is a futuristic version of walking the plank Almost everyone is dead Who could it be? I swear to you all It wasn't me! There is an imposter among us! There is an imposter among us! Crewmates come together Eject them, make things better There is an imposter among us! There is an imposter among us! There is an imposter among us! Crewmates come together Eject them, make things better There is an imposter among us!
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