
Why is it so important to get up early? Some of y'all don't want it, that's why you ain't got it I don't sleep when I'm tired, I sleep when I'm done The average millionaire wakes up at 4:00 a.m. So it started at 4 o'clock in the morning when I'd start And I'd start with my cardio and then I'd have breakfast And then I would go to the gym and then I'd go to work Some of y'all have no idea what 4:00 a.m. looks like Why would you not wake up at 4:30 a.m.? Because you're too busy sleeping in I'm prety sure I wake up earlier than all of you We don't sleep when we are tired, we sleep when we are done Too busy hitting the snooze button multiple times Excuses sound best to the person that's making them up And if we can really be honest Some of y'all don't even go to bed until about 4:00 a.m. If you can get up before the rest of the world is awake Right, before the enemy is awake, you can get so much done You're so much more productive Stop feeling sorry for yourself, wake your ass up And then they ask me, "Why are you up so early?" Take responsibility to make your life happen Awaken the beast inside Wake up at 4:00 a.m. So I begin to tell myself, there must be a reason When you have something to do When you have someone to love When you have something to look forward to When you get up in the morning See people who have something to look forward to don't need an alarm clock Because they have a reason for being If you want to have one of the best lifes in the world Which is, you live on your terms Then you have to pay your dues to get there You've decided that you're not going to allow your circumstances to define you You've decided that you're not going to allow the abyss The things, the people, life determine who you become You got a problem with your life You got a problem with your environment Do something about it If you want more freedom in your life you have to have more discipline If you do what is easy, your life will be hard But if you do what is hard, your life will be easy You've decided that you're not going to go through life being a whiner Being a complainer That you're going to take responsibility for what it is that you want to create That greatest ability that God has given humankind above the animals Is the ability to choose I remember years ago when the alarm used to go off in the morning The first thing I did was roll over and hit the snooze button In that instant when you have a choice A choice to either hit the snooze button and go back to sleep In your nice, warm, fluffy, cozy bed Or open your eyes and get out of bed That's a choice that takes discipline Now I didn't have any discipline I always took the easy route, the road that was more comfortable The problem is when you make this decision Because it's the first decision that you make Literally the second you wake up, you are letting yourself off the hook You are literally training your mind to take the easy way out throughout the whole day Which in turn leads to you taking the easy way out the whole month, all year Discipline in not something that any of us are born with It's a muscle that we have to train And I don't care what anyone says It all start at first second How you start your day and that decision that you make in that instant Isn't as small as just getting up a bed or not It's a decision that can shape the rest of your life This ain't some motivational, inspirational bums This is the truth When I was younger I dreamed that one day I'd get a job That paid me 50 grand a year That for a boy where I come from was a dream come true If you told me back then that I'd be running a seven figure company And building a business of my own, I would have laughed in your face It wasn't until I started to believe that I, and I alone could shape my world That I started achieving anything I wanted to That little decision in the morning If you open your eyes and get out of bed The next decision you face that day You're gonna now be disciplined to not take the easy way out People don't realize it, but that bed Can basically represent your entire life If you stay in that bed you're literally staying in your comfort zone Which mean your day will be spent in your comfort zone And your month, your year and before you know it You spent your whole life in your comfort zone Never pushing yourself to new heights Never trying anything new, taking risks moving forward It all starts in that first second of your day So don't take it lightly Start building discipline It's something I started doing and it helped me massively It ain't easy but it's worth it Start your day with intention Today I will be present Today I will be kind Today I will be the example I expect of others Today I will give my all in every moment It's all about intention When you direct your focus to the good You will see more good If your focus directed to the stress and struggle You will see more stress and struggle If you want to be really happy, give thanks That's the secret Happy people are greatful people So spend time in gratitude Spend time in intention and expectation for what a great day Today is going to be Feed you mind with something positive Read or listen to something uplifting Something that will grow your mind or spirit You attract your intentions You attract your beliefs You attract what you feel So get up and feel good When you direct your focus to the good You will see more good If your focus directed to the stress and struggle You will see more stress and struggle That is your only job Get up and and get yourself feeling amazing Ask yourself how can I feel great today How can I grow today How can I make others feel great today Open your eyes to the magic around you I guarantee you You have been missing out on miracles Because you have been lost in the stress and noise inside your head Get out of your head and get into the magic of life Today is a new day, a fresh clean canvas You can paint whatever you want on that canvas No matter what happpens, you are the artist Add some color, some joy, some life to your canvas Leave nothing off that canvas As soon as you get up in the morning Ask yourself what's really important today Is it important to rush around stressed at everything I have to get done Or can I just enjoy this moment? Can I set the tone for the rest of my day? You decide what kind of day you will have Not what happens but how you will respond To everything that happens You can respond positively to any situation Will you respond with presence Will you see the good Will you find a way around the obstacle Will you write your own story Or will life write it for you I'm here to tell any of you in here If you're battling, if you're struggling You've got to know when to cut anchor and go all about your life Because you can't be letting people live rent free up here You can't be letting people hold you back And who you surround yourself with matters Change isn't heaven by accident Change takes intentional choices to be different Don't pursue the prophets of where can you gain things in life Pursue your passions and your purpose You need to take time to figure out your why When you want this thing as bad as you want to breathe That's when you find a way You need to take time to figure out what passionate about Because if you pursue your passion I promise passion and purpose will always produce gains And profits, socially, emotionally, and financially It does not take talent You don't have to be talented Right, you don't have to be gifted You don't have to be the quickest, the strongest You don't have to be the most intelligent to get to where I am I promise you if some of you will just begin to take ownership of your life
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