
Destroy another precious paradise in the blink of an eye The lives of innocent souls enslaved Every throne implies a thousand graves So go ahead, label those felonies With innocent birds inside a nest Maternal care for our generation's offspring To cleanse your soul from eternal sin Thriving on violation of fundamental human rights Coining a term beyond the superlative of greedy Whitewashing policies your company pursuits At the expense of the helpless and needy Recklessly stealing common property Adding more fuel into the flames Knowing full well that our future wars will be fought over water not oil Let's stand up and unite to fight this bottled injustice! Let's claim our human right! This goes beyond water wars Windows laugh at you 'cause it's so easy to see through you Hey screw you! Yet you don't seem to care at all Politicians sucking up - treating you with kid gloves Lobbyism rules the world after all Recklessly stealing common property Adding more fuel into the flames Knowing full well that our future wars will be fought over water not oil Let's stand up and unite to fight this bottled injustice! Let's claim our human right! This goes beyond water wars GET UP AND STAND UNITED AGAINST WATER WARS! Destroy another precious paradise in the blink of an eye The lives of innocent souls enslaved Every throne implies a thousand graves
Writer(s): Sebastian Kriegl Lyrics powered by