
Everyone ready? 1, 2, 3 Quiet, you lie asleep Dreaming of a peaceful place Soaking up the warm embrace Of the overhanging sun Flowers bloom all around Woven through the grass and trees A soft and fragrant tapestry That the elements have spun The weather is perfect for now But there's no guarantee it will stay As the sunlight grows dim And the sky starts to darken with gray But you know it won't be long 'Til the clouds give way Quiet, you lie asleep Dreaming of a peaceful place That's when the raindrops hit your face Making rivulets like tears Startled and half-awake, You hurry toward the nearest tree Tucked beneath its canopy You can wait until it clears The rain begins to pour You've never seen a storm like this before Minutes stretch into hours, into days As lightning sets the sky ablaze And you ask When will the sun come out? When will we be okay? (When will the clouds give...) When will our lives return? When will the world be safe? When will the clouds When will the clouds give— We all spend so much time Waiting for that the skies to clear High up in the stratosphere The clouds block out the stars Maybe on other worlds The sun has chased the storm away But who knows if the light of day Will ever visit ours It's tempting to sit somewhere safe And hope that the weather will change But after a while You start wondering whether it's strange How time seems to freeze When problems can't be solved By hiding under trees And there's nothing left to do But sink to your knees And pray That the storm lets up And the wind dies down And the sun peeks out As the clouds give way
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