
Cling to the calendar, days can be measured by wait Seconds on seconds, the four walls enveloping space Wore down the floorboards in circling lines Fight back the silence and hold back the time for a day Clapped up in notebooks in desk drawers in pencils and pens In through the windows, the shuttering rain and the wind Out of the corner chair to block off the breeze Into the hallway your head folded down on your knees Out of the frying pan and into the fire of a story I told myself long long ago It was a lie because I was a liar who lied to myself and everyone I know The peaks of the mountains, the thunderous crash The truths remain quiet and small We were the crest on a wave in the ocean First here and then there Now here and then gone Runaway river my memory sometimes of death Jumping from square to square till there is no squaring left Open the cabinets and unfurl the scrolls Open the records and see what they hold from the past Your penmanship in the calendar marking the day Notes that were keys that were confidence taken away These things are held in the walls around you Part of it's sad but the other is true
Writer(s): George Cordell Lyrics powered by