
This house was built on running ground The walls are crumbling and the windows are crooked This house was built on running ground On running ground Time only took but never gave in return No growth without loss is the lesson we learn This house was never built to prevail As the plants grow over more from day-to-day The roof is patchy, the plaster comes off I'd set it on fire to rebuild it again Time only took but never gave in return No growth without loss is the lesson we learn This house was built on running ground The walls are crumbling and the windows are crooked This house was built on running ground I break through the mirror as it reflects on myself Deconstruct, rearrange, repainted by hand To hide all the cracks that eat it up from within When the rain pours down and silts up the ground The brickwork is weakened and soon wearing out Even the finest art can't prevail built on sand Everything turns to dust when it lacks the foundation Destroy and rebuild Fragile and broken overlaid with shine Built to collapse, flawed by design This house was built on running ground The walls are crumbling and the windows are crooked This house was built on running ground I break through the mirror as it reflects on myself This house was built on running ground This house was built on running ground
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