Listen to The Windows Update Song by Lolnein

The Windows Update Song



987 Shazams


You crack your thumbs, sit down, and run over the headphone cord Drop heaps of crumbs of your sweet bun deep into my keyboard And then you type with these fingers that are still not clean I can live with dirty keys, but you let others touch my screen Every day I watch you living the Adobe Suite life Makes me want to Office myself 365 You take a break from working Get up and leave, so I'm releasing something that's been lurking It is payback time I've got an update Want me to restart now or wait? Too late You left an open file, did not save for a while Turn off and on Oh no, and now it's gone Do as you dictate Your actions taught me how to hate, primate You return and cry Login and wonder why Edge won't stop appearing on your desktop You think you're WindowsGyver since you plugged in a device Installed an ancient driver and then only crashed it twice Yet don't get it needs to buffer 'Cause your internet is crap So you want to see me suffer and give me a wimpy slap You play some fancy games Can't you hear I'm out of breath? You want those golden sixty frames but get blue screens of death You take a break from playing Get up and leave, so I'm releasing what you kept delaying It is payback time I've got an update Want me to restart now or wait? Too late You left an open file, did not save for a while Turn off and on Oh no, and now it's gone Do as you dictate Your actions taught me how to hate, primate You return and cry Login and wonder why Edge won't stop appearing on your desktop Users fall for every scam Each contact in their Outlook Eventually gets harmful spam I feel like a death notebook What use is the best barrier When they're the virus carrier Hot singles in your area They cheer the more, the merrier I've got an update Want me to restart now or wait? Too late You left an open file, did not save for a while Turn off and on Oh no, and now it's gone Do as you dictate Your actions taught me how to hate, primate You return and cry Login and wonder why Edge won't stop appearing on your desktop I've got an update I've got an update Got an update I've got an update
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