
Startin the stream, startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream Startin the stream, Startin the Stream Startin the Stream, Startin the Stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream (Nerd) I can't listen to you it will make me fail your merch won't make a single sale Come on now, run back to your park All your verses missed the part When life gives me lemons I make steak challenging me was your first mistake. I've got underwear that's sprayed with gold I could beat you with a blindfold I stand tall like the Eiffle Tower give up now you can't handle the power My eggs are done or not? Cause I never eat. This Is minecraft Monday so repeat Startin the stream, Startin the stream Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream Startin the stream, Startin the stream (Nerd) I can't listen to you it will make me fail your merch won't make a single sale Come on now, run back to your park All your verses missed the part When life gives me lemons, I make steak challenging me was your first mistake. I've got underwear that's sprayed with gold, I could beat you with a blindfold I stand tall like the Eiffle Tower Give up now you can't handle the power My eggs are done or not? Cause I never eat This Is minecraft Monday so repeat Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream, Startin the stream
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