
Persistence, nothing can take the place of it There's no substitute, there's no replacement for it Persistence is a word that holds so much power Persistent to set a goal, to have a dream and not stop Until you achieve what you want Persistence, is a quality of winners I believe it's within all of us And if it fits within all of us, it must be within you Nothing great can be achieved without persistence Because nothing great comes to those who quit when things get hard The will to persist through challenges, the strength to persevere in hard times That is what will carry you from the bottom to the top From no way to finding a way Not many people have persistence, and that is why Not many people have the life they want These days, most people are looking for a shortcut The new secret sauce, the next get rich quick scheme Or the next super secret ingredient, but truth be told The secret is to get started, keep going and never stop Not through success and absolutely never through failure or challenges That is exactly when you must persist We all want fast success, but greatness, it takes time You can't rush greatness, you have to put in the time If you're not willing to put in the time You don't deserve the rewards If you're willing to go the distance, if you're willing to keep working If you're willing to keep improving, and you keep moving forward You will eventually get your rewards, it is really that simple Set your targets and keep moving forward, just don't ever stop Read the stories of any great entrepreneurs, inventor, sports person They all have one thing in common, persistence They stayed on the game longer than their competitors They refused to accept temporary defeat as permanent failure They kept going no matter what, and in the end they got their rewards Life, it's a journey a beautiful journey but a tough journey It can be heaven, or it can be hell and a lot of people would claim it is as hell If you're one of those people, you can climb out of that hell And the first place to start is by changing your own mentality That might not be what you want to hear, but it is the only thing That is going to give you a greater quality life When you have strong goals and your mentality is strong You can face more, you can take more, you will persist more and Because of all of that, you will win more and enjoy life more Never stop moving forward, never Obstacles, challenges, temporary defeat, whatever comes keep going Know that the only way to fail is to quit, persist and eventually you will win Do not stop, do not give up, commit to yourself Will the journey be difficult? Yes Will you stop? No Will you fill like quitting? Yes But will you quit? No No, you won't quit if your goals mean something to you So make goals so powerful, that it makes it impossible for you to give up Goals so powerful when the world is against you Friends are against you, even you might be against you You will dig deep and persist through anything You don't need talent You don't need to be the best You don't need to be the smartest You might even start at a disadvantage But if you are so committed to your goals Then you will persist through anything I guarantee you, eventually, one day, you'll come out on top And yes, it will be worth it if you persist, something will give If you persist, things will eventually go your way Most people don't go the distance You have to be willing to go the distance It may take you years to get where you wanna go Most people are not committed for years They're barely committed for five minutes I don't know 'bout you But I think it's better to trade a few years of struggle for a lifetime of pride Set your goals, get going and do not stop You say you want it, you have to put in the long hours You have to put in the overtime Go the extra mile, the extra step, the late nights, the sleepless nights The hard times, the impossible times Those are the tests set for you to prove you deserve this Life is gonna test you, it's gonna throw everything your way I think these are the things sent to see if you really want what you say you want Not everybody is willing to give it their all to get what they want The majority will quit at any sign of resistance You have to be in an uncommon group of people that know what they want And will not stop until they get it, what can stop the unstoppable? Tell me, what can stop the unstoppable? Nothing Create an unstoppable version of you, a life so meaningful, goals so powerful You cannot and will not be stopped Not every day will go well Not everything you try will work You won't always knock it out of the park And you'll probably fail more times than you succeed But what will happen if you set your goals and targets? And just didn't ever stop moving forward Moving towards them, just think about what you could achieve If you always made that extra effort, sent that extra email Put in the extra work, worked overtime, did an extra set, an extra rep The extra mile, how good will your life be now if you decided ten years ago To always do extra? No point crying about that now, but don't look back in another ten years And wish you did extra Don't look back, in one year which you persisted through challenges Set your goals now and write a commitment to yourself "I will persist until I get this goal, I will not stop under any circumstances until I find a way To make my goal my reality" Yes, there are people that may be more talented than you People that have more money, more opportunity More support, more help, more ability, more everything But persistence will be your equalizer, your secret weapon You have it within you, you are special and you have it within Keep moving forward
Writer(s): Nicholas Macri Lyrics powered by