
Comedy can be dangerous, my friends I'll tell you what When you make kids laugh and giggle, they could split a gut With a chortle, they could crack up, so beware there is the chance You could make a kid laugh so hard that they could pee their pants Fall out of bed, and hit the head While rolling on the floor Their body's shake, their sides will ache They'll laugh until they're sore There's a funny bone, a danger zone That's some place no one knows If you hit that zone, hold the phone 'Cause milk shoots out their nose Kids' body parts are fragile, so be careful not to scoff Your funny joke can actually make their heads and butts fall off Jokes and gags, hit em' hard with punchlines, so I've read You could leave a kid in stitches, or even knock em' dead (Knock knock) Who's there (Police) Police who (Police end this song)
Writer(s): Randy Rogel Lyrics powered by