
Sound is the travel of pathways Grown from inside of the floor Right in the middle of nowhere Sewn in like the cavity sore Once again she grabs a hold And infests the way we move in synchronized timeframes Once again she grabs a hold Until the opportunity is made to control us drones Once again she grabs a hold And the air we breathe is cultured to very fixed pathways She flashes to ask the questions we answer timely Go right? That didn't go right Burn the bridge now and end flight Nowhere in sight Motherboard isn't in right That didn't go right Burn the bridge now and end flight Nowhere in sight Motherboard isn't in right The light is fading further as the flashes spot my eyes Ever seeping darker to a place no one will ever find Go right? That didn't go right Burn the bridge now and end flight Nowhere in sight Motherboard isn't in right Sound is the travel of pathways Grown from inside of the floor Right in the middle of nowhere Sewn in like the cavity sore Motherboard isn't alive anymore Remove her before infection soars Poised and torn now I'm afraid Nothing will remove her from my internal Motherboard pulling my mind from the norm Remove her and keep sanity once more Done with all her ways Stand still Forget Remove it Done with all her ways Stand still Forget Remove it Done with all her ways Stand still Forget Remove it Once again Done with all her ways Stand still Forget Remove it
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