
Shouldn't have eaten At Taco Bell again Three times in a row You'd think I would know Burning my asshole And starting to leak Pants are now soiled Underwear is streaked Churning burning Fecal matter Building pressure Inside me! Churning burning Fecal matter Building pressure Inside me! Enter a building Directions unclear Bathroom is somewhere But it is not near Not gonna make it Unbuckle my belt Pants are undone Cannot hold anymore Churning burning Fecal matter Building pressure Inside me! Churning burning Fecal matter Building pressure Inside me! Rapid fire Hershey squirts of doom! I spray everyone inside the room! Everything is covered in poo! Even got a little on my shoe! To their dismay The room is sprayed Walls are covered In fecal paint Machine gun rounds Of the noxious kind Got one in the mouth and Another in the eye Churning burning Fecal matter Building pressure Inside me! Churning burning Fecal matter Building pressure Inside me! Churning burning Fecal matter Building pressure Inside me! Churning burning Fecal matter Building pressure Inside me!
Writer(s): Kain Gonzalez Lyrics powered by