
Hi, I'm Bob I know a merry little song all about phonics Let me help you learn the phonics Let's go A is for apple, apple A is for arrow, arrow A is for apple A is for arrow B is for ball, ball B is for balloon, balloon B is for ball B is for balloon C is for car, car C is for cloud, cloud C is for cloud C is for car D is for door, door D is for dog, dog D is for door D is for dog E is for eggs, eggs E is for earth, earth E is for eggs E is for earth F is for fan, fan F is for flower, flower F is for fan F is for flower G is for green, green G is for grass, grass G is for green G is for grass H is for heart, heart H is for hat, hat H is for heart H is for hat I is for ice cream, ice cream I is for iron, iron I is for ice cream I is for iron J is for jar, jar J is for juice, juice J is for jar J is for juice K is for kettle, kettle K is for key, key K is for kettle K is for key L is for ladder, ladder L is for lamp, lamp L is for ladder L is for lamp M is for mailbox, mailbox M is for moon, moon M is for mailbox M is for moon N is for nail, nail N is for nine, nine N is for nail N is for nine O is for orange, orange O is for oval, oval O is for orange O is for oval P is for penny, penny P is for pear, pear P is for penny P is for pear Q is for quack, quack Q is for question mark, question mark Q is for quack Q is for question mark R is for red, red R is for rocket, rocket R is for red R is for rocket S is for sun, sun S is for sunflower, sunflower S is for sun S is for sunflower T is for tomato, tomato T is for tractor, tractor T is for tomato T is for tractor U is for umbrella, umbrella U is for unicycle, unicycle U is for umbrella U is for unicycle V is for vase, vase V is for violet, violet V is for vase V is for violet W is for white, white W is for watermelon, watermelon W is for white W is for watermelon X is for xylophone, xylophone X is for X-box, X-box X is for xylophone X is for X-box Y is for yellow, yellow Y is for yoghurt, yoghurt Y is for yellow Y is for yoghurt Z is for zero, zero Z is for zebra, zebra Z is for zero Z is for zebra Wasn't it fun learning the phonics? Goodbye, kids
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