
Maggot filled infestation & vermin ridden fallacy, This ancient breed of parasites that infects us all. Breaking these brittle bones of a rotting bureaucracy. We see visions of fated extirpation & brutality. This mutation, It will. It will cleanse... Cleanse from within. To arise anew, As we. As we shed... We shed old skin. This mutation, It will. It will cleanse... Cleanse from within. To arise anew, To re. To return... Return Ironclad. Know that there is no absolution for your filthy creed. We speak a screed of a revolt, your lore is built on fraud & greed. We reject your facts & false past, lift the veil of this failed constitution. Iron of constraint is the answer, nothing more stronger & pure. Now we won't lay... Motionless, And merely witness the lessons of your legacies. Pure... Iron... Clad... You want us to breathe your carcinogenic air, & to consume. This virulent contamination to enslave, those who oppose. This oppression, no we won't desist, or merely subsist. Your tyranny in the name of democracy, dogma of deceit. No! We resist!! Faith in bigoted family of incumbency!!!
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