
Time fightin' days Back in phase This is the boldest action made Heroes to save two worlds Race for the trillions Truth bomb fallin' Evil grins Punched-out by heroins and Blind drivin' nights Flight to fight Out of our misadventure rises Heroes to save our universe Vitriol vexes verses Burning their list Its a fix Cut to the twist and We're the last lives found Gone far not to fear long ways down Plot thickens shrouded in doubt But dyin's not allowed Dying's not allowed Flipin' the script Down to shift Up with the justice axe we grind We fit the bill improvise live Quip kills the villains Archenemies bloodthirsty For keys to cities We're the last lives round Gone far not to fear long ways down Blood thickens we can't spill now We're ridin' high... stakes and grounds Plot thickens shrouded in doubt But dyin's not allowed Time fightin' days are back into phase This the boldest act ever made Blind drivin' night and fightin' the plight Out of this misadventure we rise Dying's not allowed Truth bombs are fallin' on evil grins Punched-out by our favorite heroines Vitriol verses burnin' their list Know its a fix so cut to the twist Dying's not allowed Dying's not allowed Grip strengthens we can't spin-out When dying's not allowed
Writer(s): Ariel Vega Lyrics powered by