
God Immortal Lou Fellingham God immortal, invisible Clothed in light inaccessible God most Holy, God only wise God most blessed, most glorious God almighty, victorious Present with us yet veiled from sight Holy is the Lord Is the Lord, holy And our praise will rise To the Lord of life Come and worship Him In His majesty Awesome God, most high See His glory shine Over all mankind Come and worship Him In His majesty Awesome God, most high Giving life to both great and small He's the source and the life of all Needing nothing to make Him whole Man does flourish then fade to nought Like a breath that is quickly gone But our God's the eternal one God of splendour we see in part But through Christ He has come to us Wondrous glory has won our hearts Lou & Nathan Fellingham and busbee Inspired by the W Chalmers Smith (1824-1908) hymn 'Immortal, Invisible, God only wise' CCLI Number: 5224027
Writer(s): Michael James Ryan Busbee, Louise Fellingham, Nathan Fellingham Lyrics powered by