
You see, that's the way the world is Not a lot you can do about it Except to accept There was a time that I thought about it Plenty of times I thought about it Then decided not to Here in the hole I'm surrounded by fools Degenerates and phoneys I suffer a constant bombardment of nonsense from all sides When central control render me surplus to requirements My imprint is relocated to the ruins of Paris Where I regenerate My new face accepting me immediately without the usual problems I operate a program of self denial Yet languish in polymorphic perversity as is my want Each day, even although I believe I'm free Something pulls me back into a past made real only by their understanding And all the while the calls keep coming in And still I am hunted for my flesh I'm hounded for my beauty In a world turned on it's head I steady myself Ready to enter They believe I know everything because my masters memory serves me while Infact I know nothing And so they will find me And in the middle of a cold afternoon they will ask What is it, exactly, you know And then They will take me outside And they will kill me
Writer(s): Barry Anthony Adamson Lyrics powered by