
Santa never came Santa never came Through the howling wind and the pouring rain Maybe next year cos Santa never came I came downstairs I'm looking everywhere I saw the cookies still there Under the tree so bare Sent out a search party Looked high and low I asked around town No one seemed to know I'd always believed Santa was my mum's mate Steve Must've been so naive But I'd always see him leave Early Christmas Eve Whilst dad was still at work She said This should be the last time This should be the last time That Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Through the howling wind and the pouring rain Well maybe next year cos Santa never came No sightings out there Not no hide nor hair This is so unfair To think he doesn't care I wonder if he got the fear After the fight last year When dad grabbed his beard My mum screaming please dear No sleigh in the sky Just a smack in the eye I think that made him cry As my dad screamed die Well I've been so good As good as I could Maybe I shoulda been better Better be the last time Better should be the last time That Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Through the howling wind and the pouring rain Well maybe next year cos Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Through the howling wind and the pouring rain Well maybe next year cos Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came Through the howling wind and the pouring rain Well maybe next year cos Santa never came Santa never came Santa never came (blame it on the weather) Santa never came
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