
It was my first day in therapy and my therapist said You seem really well-adjusted for someone who's never gone to therapy Why are you here? And I said, "I'm a good husband, I'm a good father I'm a good friend, I'm a good employee" But I want to be great at all those things" And I feel like if I could be great at those by myself" "I would have been by now so I'm getting help" And she said, "Employee is someone you are for your job" Husband is someone you are for your wife" Father is someone you are for your son" And friend is someone you are for your friends" Who are you for yourself?" "Who are you outside of those roles?" And then the waterworks happened and I heard myself say "I'm not sure if there's much of a person at the end of it all that" And that was the beginning of me figuring out who I was at 30 something years old Everything changed after that
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