
I am ready I will act now I will fight for what is right I will fight with everything I have inside me I will not be defeated This is the warrior mentality We all have a warrior inside of us It's that determination to take on any challenge The desire to win at all costs The honor to fight for what is right Unfortunately, most people live their life in a cowardly way They hide their warrior spirit for fear of judgement They hide the warrior for fear of defeat They don't stand up for what is right They back down and cower from every challenge life throws their way They are uninspired, unmotivated and lack conviction Warriors are certain about the direction they are going in life They don't look around to others to make sure they are on the right path They know they are on the right path The warrior says, "I can, I will and I must" There is zero hesitation in the warrior It's all in or not in at all The warrior says, "I have a clear goal I have a clear mission I have a meaningful purpose I believe in myself I will give all I have for this goal This mission, my purpose I will not back down I will not yield I will fight until my last breath and do everything to win I've got this" The warrior says, "I am ready I will act now I will fight for what is right I will fight with everything I have inside of me I will not be defeated I will not be defeated I will not be defeated" There's a famous story of a grandfather Who is teaching his grandson about life and the fight we all have within He tells the boy, "There is a fight going on inside me A fight between two wolves One wolf is evil, he is disguised as uncontrolled anger Cowardice, bitterness, self-pity, inferiority, false pride and ego One wolf is good, he is represented as focus, belief, presence Love, joy, honor, dignity and Integrity" He says to the boy, "The same fight is going on inside you boy And inside every other person on this planet" The boy asks, "Which wolf will win?" The grandfather replies, "The one you feed the most" We all have the coward and the warrior inside us What you see most is what you feed most We all have moments of doubt We all have fears We all have moment of shame and disappointment But we all have that warrior inside us The good energy The protector of the truth The honor to stand for what is right The integrity to fight for the good of all The warrior doesn't always win But he will always fight with everything he has until his last breath The coward doesn't believe they can defeat the evil forces So they don't even try therefore they lose the battle, every time The warrior will fight for what is right No matter the odds No matter the potential consequences The warrior says, "It is not over, until I say it's over It is never over Because I will never quit" You have that warrior within you, it's a mindset Your mind is the battlefield and you are the commander You are not the servant to your mind You are in charge Learn to direct your mind with certainty and focus Decide what you want in life and never back down until you get it Live with integrity and honor Not caring less what other people expect from your life Paving your own path and walking in the direction you know to be right No matter what challenges life throws my way, I know I can handle this God would not give me challenges I could not handle This moment is a test And a test I will pass I will die before I give up I will die before I give in I am committed to my goal and I will not stray from it No matter what I am ready I will act now I will fight for what is right I will fight with everything I have inside of me I will not be defeated I will not be defeated I will not be defeated You are a warrior Warriors do not back down They never quit Warriors fear nothing Pick up your sword and fight for what you want Stand tall in your truth Stand tall in your belief Confident in your choices Strong in your faith Know what you want Focus on it Work for it Sacrifice for it And confidently claim it
Writer(s): Nicholas Macri Lyrics powered by