
Cheap flights and short term plans Rome to Prague in a rented Benz Feet up on the old FM Drinking too much to know If by midnight I still can't stand Then we could book it to South Japan See the city old school on trans Before we're too old 'Cause I'm so over wasting all my time In situations I don't like when We could just Dance 'til 3 a.m. in Brazil You can take photos on 35 mil Run around Amsterdam causing havoc Smoke so much, pass out on your mattress I wanna spend way too way too much money On stupid shit that's funny Midnight red eyes, no returns I want you all over the world like If you wanted California or Central Park I'm so in no question marks Inhibitions or paper hearts Swear I want it all Locals selling us gold Chanel bags Beach motels, 80 on the main drag Send a picture back to your friends and brag That we've got everything they don't have 'Cause I'm so over wasting all my time In situations I don't like when We could just Dance 'til 3 a.m. in Brazil You can take photos on 35 mil Run around Amsterdam causing havoc Smoke so much, pass out on your mattress I wanna spend way too way too much money On stupid shit that's funny Midnight red eyes, no returns I want you all over the world like
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