
Riding on the Boundry line Ever watching for a sign Of a certain mate of mine Gone a droving, six or seven years ago Murrumbidgee Jack by name Things have never been the same In the Boundry riding game So I wander along Riding on the Boundry line Ever watching for a sign Of a certain girl of mine Gone a roving, six or seven years ago She and Murrumbidgee Jack Wandered off along the track And until I win her back I'll wander along Riding on the Boundry line Ever watching for a sign Always waiting for the time I keep a moving, my bull equip is ever ready Murrumbidgee Jack and she They haven't seen the last of me Because I'm a better man than he All wander along Riding on the Boundry line Never watching for a sign Of a certain girl of mine Gone a roving, six or seven years ago She and Murrumbidgee Jack Wandered off along the track And until I win her back I'll wander along
Writer(s): Frances James Coughlan Lyrics powered by