
Youth is not a time of life It is a state of mind It is a temper of will A quality of the imagination A vigor of the emotions A predominance of courage Over timidity Of the appetite for adventure Over love of ease Nobody grows old By merely living a number of years People grow old Only by deserting their ideals Years will wrinkle the skin But to give up enthusiasm Will wrinkle the soul Worry, doubt, self-distrust Fear and despair These are the long, long years That bow the head and Turn the growing spirit back to dust Whether you are sixteen or seventy There is in every one's heart The love of wonder The sweet amazement at the stars And starlike, things And thoughts Of the undaunted challenges Of events of life The unfailing childlike appetite For what is to come next And the joy and the game of life You are as young As your faith And as old as your doubt As young as your self-confidence And as old as your fear As young as your hope And as old as your despair When the wires are all down And all the innermost core Of your heart Is covered with the snows Of pessimism and the ice of cynicism Then you are old indeed But so long As your heart receives messages Of beauty, cheer, courage, grandeur And power from the earth From the mankind And from the Infinite So long you are young indeed And that's what I am I'm forever young The immortal son I got a question And In fact i got more than 1 What happens When your family counselor Is facing a divorce When your pastor is a sinner after church And sleeps with a bottle of vodka When the judge judging others Is a criminal whose good In making his crimes Appear no longer When the president No longer serves the nation But bidding it to the highest buyer So they can feed their own kind So the kind that is your own and mine Can carry on and starve When your shrink Is struggling to deal With the loss of her own child When the Dr operating you Is dying from undiagnosed brain cancer When time becomes money And you have none but pressure When the AIDS killing your child Is the one you distributed with pleasure When police officers Murder and brutalise us Who do we trust When law applies only to the poor Does it mean the rich is right When we vote for the regular Will we ever know what's on the other side When you make a milli Will you help the ones that starve When your time is up Will you say you spent It right Cause right when you think you got it good The director yells CUT And I can't tell you how All I can say is play your part So do what you wanna do And I believe you're grown enough to know wrong from right But know whatever you do in the dark Will eventually crawl into the light And remember the only darkness in the world is in mankind Not just politicians and murderous and rapist And mothers and fathers who purposefully abandon their own child No it's in all mankind
Writer(s): Xolani Maminze Lyrics powered by