
Kate of Wyndham Manor, and Jack of Oldham Mill, How long they woo'd and long they coo'd, a faithful Jack and Jill, But times were bad for lass and lad, and sadly both confessed, 'Twas not the thing to buy the ring before they'd lined their nest. "Courage, lad!" said Katie, yes we'll have to wait, But though my dear, it's twenty year, I'll take no other mate "Courage, lad!" said Katie, yes we'll have to wait, But though my dear, it's twenty year, I'll take no other mate England wanted Jack now, for war was in the air, And arms more grim were pressed on him than Katie's bonny pair, So off to Spain in rough campaign he chivvied bold Massoo, And he fired his gun, and made him run like fun at Waterloo. The lads round Katie gathered, but Katie bade them pack, There's girls enough for you to woo, I means to wait for Jack. The lads round Katie gathered, but Katie bade them pack, There's girls enough for you to woo, I means to wait for Jack. The grey in Katie's ringlets was mingling with the brown, When, bump-a-thump, an eager stump came pegging through the town. "It's me you see, come whoam " says he "exept a leg or so, And safe and sound here's twenty pounds, so let the parson know." Jingle, jingle jingle! Set the bells a chime! To health to bliss to love like this, that bravely bides its time. Jingle, jingle jingle! Set the bells a chime! To health to bliss to love like this, that bravely bides its time.
Writer(s): Dp, Gerry Kearns, Larry Kearns, John Howarth Lyrics powered by