
Gili Meir
Gili Meir
Oran Reznik
Oran Reznik
Gili Meir
Gili Meir


Oh, This is a good start A fucking commercial Let's see what they try to sell to me Oh, a chair, a fucking chair! Don't have enough chairs in my house! That's what I'm going to watch now? Fucking commercials about chairs? Ah, that sucks so bad You see all this TV shit Is getting in to my mind Oh my god, all this shit now Ok let's see what else is on Oh look! fucking CNN Let's see what's happening in the world Oh my god, there's an Albino And albino shark In the fucking Philippines Who gives a fucking shit about an Albino shark In the fucking Philippines Oh, and now they're finding out That there's a whole town in Korea That has cancer because of a fucking factory And they say that global warming doesn't exist, ha? Thank you world We're dead because of you If I can't sleep I'm going to watch some TV That's all I do Every night I go to my sofa and hope That there'll be something good To watch before I go Oh look, some sports lets see What's happening in 3 am Oh, a very uninteresting Rugby game Between New Zealand and Singapore What's the score? 32-5 To who? Who gives a shit It's fucking Rugby (no one likes rugby) Oh, another commercial Mm, I want to buy something! What are you offering? Oh, a fake necklace Oh, that's nice With what? With hello fucking Kitty on it Oh, cool And there's like a Tik Tok Kind of thing on it So, all the little kids will go to their parents And say "Mommy, Daddy, buy me this fucking fake Necklace with Hello Kitty" Like I fucking give a shit Oh my god TV, you suck! You're not interesting You're not helping the human race You're just ruining everything Like fucking global warming Anyway, let's see what else is on Oh, Oh my god It's another re-run of a fucking retarded show What's on now? Oh, it's Seinfeld from the 90's What is this episode about? Ah, about people not answering their phone Why aren't they answering their phone? Because it's the fucking 90's and no one had a cellphone Everybody called their house It's fucking 2020 Everyone has a cellphone Everyone answers the phone So no one gets lost For fuck's sake Stop these fucking re-runs There are original programs That people are working for And trying to make a living And you're only broadcasting these fucking re-runs Fuck you TV, you suck! You suck! Give me some information that is useful That can help me in this fucking life Not all this fucking crap and childish shit And commercials All you want is my fucking money And you're making me an idiot Of course I'll never go to sleep Cause I have all this shit in my head Oh, what's this onIt's a fucking reality show About Two ladies Who want to meet two guys Who are fucking half naked In a fucking beach in Jamaica Like that's reality, bitch! That's not reality, that's bullshit reality No one looks like that And if they do look like that Then they aren't on a beach in fucking Oh, another music reality Oh, lets see this guy sing Oh, he sings so good But what song is it? No, it's not his song It's a fucking cover song of another artist Who was famous because he was in a reality TV show! Hasn't anyone ever done his own fucking music? Originally? No, Everybody is instant now Everybody has to be on a stage in reality And have 5 fucking judges Who aren't famous Or actually Did anything in their livesSay if it's good or not Fuck you TV, you suck! You're ruining my life All my dreams are collapsing Are literally collapsing While I'm watching you Because you just blow all my dreams away Because you are the fakeness of fake You're a huge lie! You suck TV! I just want to sleep And instead I'm full of hateAnd cynicism And I hate you TV, you suck! You fucking suck TV!
Writer(s): Gilad Meir, Oran Reznik Lyrics powered by