
STRAY (hey) You saw me stray stray stray stray I have no home STRAY (hey) You got me stay stay stay stay Out all alone Let's play a game Let's go hide and seek 5 4 3 2 1 times up, find me 如無人 寵愛的某孤兒 門檻前 貿然面紅自薦 如何能給你選中 先天不足 我也可以苦練 怕印象 漸磨滅 隨處 流放 沒人願記念 華燈的背面 拾荒中鍛鍊 人間的美善 天真幻滅才能發現 前途迷濛 何妨殊途 不歸處 找出路 凡人平庸 為何盲從 不歸處 找出路 逃離籠牢 不見蹤 自定命運 拒絕折衷 浮華無明 誰能容 不歸處 找出路 無所依據 無可失去 You saw me stray stray stray stray I have no home (Sorry) 無所依據 無可失去 You got me stay stay stay stay Out all alone I got no home I got no friends I got no enemies I'm just a kid I got no worries and I got no fear I got no boundaries I'm so free 無所依據 無可失去 You got me stray stray stray stray This is my home You got me stray stray stray stray This is my home 人離鄉賤以笑遮醜 遮風擋雨靠瓦遮頭 成長係過程 人生係課程 冷言冷語走過幾多人背後 受過 幾多風雨打 識破 幾多次大話 試過去闖禍 被刺破亦闖過 未怕過人言被放大下 This is my home Everyday I sleep and everyday I feed myself When I open my eyes and I figure out There's nobody else so I hide myself 行想要行既路 有啲自由 路上充滿崎嶇 好多石頭 Building houses in your front street Everyday we will meet Step in your front door with bare feet 怕印象 漸磨滅 隨處 流放 沒人願記念 華燈的背面 拾荒中鍛鍊 人間的美善 天真幻滅才能發現 前途迷濛 何妨殊途 不歸處 找出路 凡人平庸 為何盲從 不歸處 找出路 逃離籠牢 不見蹤 自定命運 拒絕折衷 浮華無明 誰能容 不歸處 找出路 無所依據 無可失去 You saw me stray stray stray stray I have no home 無所依據 無可失去 You got me stay stay stay stay Out all alone I got no home I got no friends I got no enemies I'm just a kid I got no worries and I got no fear I got no boundaries I'm so free Don't blame on it just stay on it You got me stray stray stray stray This is my home Don't blame on it Just stay on it You got me stray stray stray stray Don't blame on it Just stay on it You got me stray stray stray stray STRAY (STRAY) You know where I'm from(stray)
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