
Na Taato na Maataa Na Bandhur na Daataa Na putro na putree na bhrutyo na Bhartaa Na jaayaa na Vidyaa na Vrittir mamaiva Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani Na jaanaami punyam na jaanaami teertham Na jaanaami muktim layam vaa kadaachit Na jaanaami bhaktim vratam vaapi maataha Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani Vivaade vishaade pramaade pravaase Jale chaanale parvate shatrumadhye Aranye sharanye sadaa maam prapaahi Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani Anaatho daridro jaraa roga yukto Mahaa Ksheena deenah sadaa jaadya vaktraha Vipattau pravishtaha pranashthah sadaaham Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani Gatistvam gatistvam gatistvam tvamekaa Bhavaani O Mother Divine! Father, mother, husband, wife, children and friends None of these are eternally mine. Knowledge, intellect, mind and will power are not eternal, Oh Mother of the Universe—You are my and eternal refuge. I do not know how to act righteously or find your abode I do not know how to schieve freedom by dissolving my ego I am devoid of devotion and surrender I am not strong enough to make any vow O Mother of the Universe—You are my eternal refuge O compassionate Mother, protect me wherever I am And whomever I am with In pleasure and distress O Mother of the Universe—You are my eternal refuge O Mother, I feel like an orphan on this Earth Powerless and without Inner wealth Deluded by ignorance and unable to see the light of truth O Mother of the Universe—you are my eternal refuge
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