
Lorcan Mac Mathuna
Lorcan Mac Mathuna


Full soon among them he arriv'd, Grasping ten thousand Thunders Astonish, all resistance lost, All courage; down their weapons drop'd And of their wonted vigour left, them drained, Exhausted, spiritless That wisht the Mountains now might be, Thrown on them as shelter from his ire O're Shields and helmed heads he rode, As timorous flocks together thronged Nine days they fell and chaos roared, And felt tenfold confusion One spirit in them ruled alike, And every eye glared lightning And yawning hell received them whole, And on them closed their habitation With Jubilie advanc'd; and as they went, each order Sung Triumphant And him sung Victorious King, Son, Heir, to him Dominion giv'n Worthiest to Reign: he rode triumphant through mid Heav'n Into the Courts and Temple of his migihtie Father throned on high At thy request, I have reveal'd What might have else to you bin hid He who envies now thy state plotting how he may seduce you Bereavd of happiness partake His punishment, Eternal miserie For Thee to gaine Companion would be all his solace and revenge
Writer(s): Lorcan Mac Mathuna Lyrics powered by