
I've seen a painting Something acknowledged but not done. So many fears, Descriptions dying into one, Feeling safe? Ignorance should be my guest, I'll breath my heart out, astray, (Nothing could matter, far beyond so...) High and low, the tide always falls. Staring imperfection I've grown to realize its price Though immorality was chosen For this eroding path A sudden strike, a deadly one Strives and whispers for control A blurred projection once again Distorting every single thought. And careless it begins to rise, Exprecting me to reach and drown, But with my own thirst and dismay, I couldn't wait until it drains, "Feeling so cold" Finally, it feels like Here i satnd If I could take oyu by my side I've lost my pride My madness brought me where i stand Just in case I won't give up Here I stand If i could take you by my side I've lost my pride My madness broucht me where i stand I'm scared to death As this fades away I can't think Nothing's certain except for this pain I can't escape from this Freak Show (Ascending by diverging roads, intending no to lose control) (Descending with the same old load, a segway in this inner fall)
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