
And every time I see you look at me it's like the world collapses And don't you dare to smile or who knows just what would happen You walk into the room and I immediately panic You look at me, I melt, I die, is this our new dynamic? They've got me covered in electrodes and wires Does the EEG betray my desires? Does the oximeter register the change When you message me, and my breath wanders away? Won't you stick around? You sing along as my heart beats faster now Y'know for friends we tend to text each other goodnight quite a bit and If I didn't know better I might say somebody is smitten I hear the subject matter of their songs begin to shift and I'm only gonna give them like one or ten more listens Right now I'm telling you this time I swear I'm really gonna do it It's been a couple weeks and I have run out of excuses Spent the whole day just working up the courage But I've got the strongest feeling it might actually be worth it Won't you stick around? You sing along as my heart beats faster now
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