
Swallowed by paranoia False gods rise again Post chaotic cursed by me Ancient gods Creating Nothing but madness Unholy entity Destroying every part of me Nothing can stop or erase the madness The only place you'll find NOW AND FOREVER Consumed by your own fucking head Burying your dark thoughts Laid to rest No gods can save me From this place in hell CALLING Every bit of energy that there's left in me CURSING Every fucking thing that I cannot see We are Just a paranoia on devotion This land is cursed And we are it's abortion No reason to bring me up There's only the cold hard ground Your only perception Falls off reflection DOWNWARDS You're falling further Further away from me From me Descend, again Faulty presence Innocence so keep trying It's on denial, your death! PA RA NO IA No reason to bring me up There's only the cold hard ground Your only perception Falls off reflection DOWNWARDS You're falling further Further away from me From me God of nothingness Upon your desire Take our children straight to the grave As you stray from this madness Far away to understand humanity
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