
First time I stayed, a parade of acquaintances Came to and fro like the breeze Saying hello to myself and my ladyfriend Friendly and free as you please Not so much space but a good place for visiting All of the people who came Coats hanging off of the chairs they were sitting in Steaming and wet from the cold and the rain When next I did lodge there I dodged all companionship Hiding my head in the prose Of a famously rosy and rascally novelist Mustaches hung from his nose I guess that I wasn't just testing my solitude My purpose was calming my mind The only companion with which I would rendezvous A dusty old volume the world left behind I don't always want to partake in camaraderie I don't always want to retreat Sometimes the tongue has a taste for cacophony Sometimes the silence is sweet Here in Room Four is a door to duality Inward and outward I see Room for the vistas of quiet reflection and Room for the people that let me be me Room Four, I always want to come right back to you Room Four, you always understand the things I do
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