
If the odds are gonna laugh at me anyway I'll copy that cruel tone and laugh back in their face Hey, do you know what a majority vote is? It's when strong views trample weakest Oh, you don't like that? That's okay You're a helpless sheep who will dead soon anyway So shall we search together? Maybe we'll find someone's malice hiding in plain sight If you don't trust me, that's okay I know your trust's a cunning tactic anyway Hey, I found a sinister secret For the price of a few looming regrets Are you okay? You look distressed Just how long can you keep that unrest repressed? So, while we rest together I'll tell you how us weaklings can elude our fates Don't worry, you can trust me too I'm the only one who won't betray you Gloomy turmoil overflows Suffocated by an all engulfing Zero, so, so How far are you willing to go? If the odds are going to laugh at me anyway I'll copy that cruel tone and laugh back in their face Since the fate of this "me" is to get betrayed Before anyone can, I'll throw that 'me' away If the truth is I'm not worth enough to survive I'll lie, and I'll lie, 'til the truth can't decide what's right Whether or not you hate this me It's not my turn to die Wait, what just happened? I got attacked so it seems I've forgotten Hey, who got slaughtered by our votes again? Does it feel like you're about to break? So we'll play another trust game Where we expose just how shallow that trust really is But hey, aren't we really on the same side? So we should reconcile our differences right Come on, let's shake on it That malignant smile makes my instincts go wild And the psyche that I built gets twisted up inside Raising the price, another sacrifice Sharing is caring, we're allies, right? Let's tear apart this twisted game And end this endless cycle of blame Even though those desperate hopes Are pointless anyway Gloomy turmoil overflows Facing my ally who believes her life's worth Nothing so chin How long until that facade caves in? If the odds are going to laugh at us anyway I'll copy that cruel tone and laugh back in your place The fate of this "me" is to get betrayed But I still couldn't throw all the weaknesses away If the truth is only one us can make it out alive I've lied, and I've lied, so it's better to kill me, right? Because I know you hate this me It's my turn If you're all just gonna laugh at me anyway I'll copy your cruel tone and laugh back in your face Since the fate of this "me" is to get betrayed Before you can again, I'll make you all pay If the truth is I'm not worth enough to survive I'll lie, and I'll lie 'til I'm the only one left alive Whether or not you hate this me It's not my turn to die It's your turn to die
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