
Okay fine, you want a murderer? Let's look at the facts Well, I think it's safe to say And we can probably all agree That anybody who met Farrah could've killed her Easily But everyone liked Chess! Lover's quarrel, with you two? Be real Cai If I killed someone It would have been you! Touche, but maybe you're not done And I'm the next to go Well, why would I have waited? Cause, uh, cause... I don't know! I already said I killed someone, so I think I'm out of the running! Unless ... Unless what? Unless - You told Kate that you killed Clark To throw us off your track Cairo, please, I'm not that smart Or maybe that's all been an act Cairo, please, she's not that smart Hey! You just said that! Even so! Just admit she might've Well, she killed Clark I don't know But who was in the shower that killed Farrah? What? The shower that killed Farrah Uh, the shower didn't kill her - murder did Or last I heard, the final word was God had done poor Farrah in Isn't that right, Annleigh? Better get your story straight before the cops come for you Huh? I never said that God killed Farrah She made choices on her own So Farrah died, cause she's a drunk and she deserved it? I don't know But Annleigh never hated Chess Or did she? I don't know, confess! Farrah hated Chess, not me So Farrah killed her, possibly? And maybe Chess killed Farrah, too With no one else involved ...But you! But Cairo you got Mattie drunk For fun, it was a dare Well let's call her in prison See how much fun she's having there Hey, Mattie might have killed them And her drunk act was all play You saw that girl passed out How could she kill them? IDK Kate, I don't know if we should trust you We all saw it clear as day Chess was leaving And you would do anything to make her stay Anything like kill her? Yes! Okay, I'll go ahead And let you know I'd rather Have her off to school than dead Can we go back to Cairo? Why? There's nothing left to say And if I was the killer, I would never tell you anyway Riley's right, we're wasting time There's nothing we can do Hey, Cairo hated Farrah! Farrah hated Farrah too! But Cairo never hated Chess! There's no one Cairo doesn't hate Okay, not fair Fine, prove you care Name one person you like Kate! What?? You're in love with Kate! So you killed Chess! Annleigh, I don't think you're making sense I have a boyfriend I have a cat. It doesn't mean I like petting it Look, I don't know what you've been smoking I've got to take Cairo's side We are not together Or you've been together this whole time! This is crazy, you've all lost it Have fun with this psycho mess Hope you find your killer, bitches See you all in hell!
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