
Little boy found Little boy lost Down by the river Away from the coast In a little row boat Diamond shaped Taking a nap And daydreaming away Open my eyes, what do I see Riverboat man's staring at me Moving slowly his big strong hand Draining the water with a rusty can And I can tell he's into something Good enough to tell me nothing It doesn't matter what we do He's always moaning river blues Look here, boy This is a bait Put it on the hook Now we gotta wait Keep it still See what you do We might catch a black bass And a catfish, too And I can tell he's into something Good enough to tell me nothing Sweat is dripping from his head And clinks the gilded wooden leg I said, "Why is it so?" He said, "Just because" And he sang "Everybody knows somebody Everybody knows somebody from Badajoz" Tied with a rope Tied to a tree Riverboat dances In the middle of the stream I'm holding the rod As good as I can Keeping an eye On the riverboat man, riverboat man And I can tell he's into something Good enough to tell me nothing It doesn't matter what we do He's always moaning river blues Everybody knows somebody from Badajoz Everybody knows somebody from Badajoz Everybody knows somebody Everybody knows somebody from Badajoz
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