
Well this is a story about a man That walks into this big, dark room And this room is full of light And full of smoke machines And he feels like he is just in his old house He was a child, what it was like playing with his family On his little bike, and Feeling safe, and forgetting all his troubles Forgetting what he needs to do And who he has to pay And just not feeling inferior Just not feeling ing inferior In this room, worries and all the yrules, what he cant do and what he can do just vanish! The only thing that counts is respect Respect your brother, respect your brother And this room is a MAGIC ROOM! But its really not about the room itself Its about the people in the room The moments they share, the smiles The looks, the music, the dj It makes you feel like you're one thing It makes you wanna live forever Instead of just thinking that its you against the world And you think "well why cant we all just live together like this? I wanna live forever Everybody in place Nothing is wring As long as we stay in this room But when i walk out i just feel im lost in the gloom I love the smoke i feel im lost in space But its ok ive got all my friends in the place. Ive got all my friends in the place. (Everybodys in place) I know im awake cause i know im feeling shaky These are the lights that tells me your body is ready Well this is the sound the sound that fills my body My body is reasy to go, my bidt is ready My body is ready to go
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