
Name is Classified, MC and producer Been doin this for a couple years now, still tryin to get through to ya Born in Nova Scotia close to 25 years ago or so Started spittin around 15 and puttin beats down at 16 I was one in a million, no one ever tried what I did There was no real hip hopers doin shit like this in the place that I live I came to Halifax and I've been here for like half a decade Tryin to earn the respect of MC's, didn't worry about tryin to get paid And I won't lie, the reception I got was kinda lukewarm But I stuck with my craft, perfected it in true form in every new song Now I'm doin shows and tourin straight across the country Supportin myself with music and startin to make a little money "Cla... Class... Right here, right here, Class. I just want to know What you think about hip-hop these days, in your eyes, how do you see it?" Well if you ever listen to a track by Class, you'd know how I feel But let me put it to ya plain and simple, I hate this shit for real There ain't no skill, ain't no wordplay, just mimics and clones They all say they're keepin it real, but won't admit that they're wrong And we got underground cats who are trying to be different... That's respectable But it's a fine line between being different and good'n and different and pitiful Your beats are made with pots'n pans and they don't hit And if you can flow on a beat then please just leave and don't spit'n that's it I got nothin else to say about this rap shit I'm doin me now, forget everyone else, I'm already passed it Now it's about the masses and gettin my music out to'em So I careless about these so called, "MC's" screw'em, next question I'm hearin all the same questions, same things, different interviews Just another day goin by, same reply comin outa Luke Let me tell ya for the final time... "Could you tell me something no one else knows about you?" "Classified, could you tell me who inspires you?" "What's your real name?" "Class, when did you first start rhymin?" "Who are you workin with right now?" "Class, Class... Where do ya, where do ya got to go next... what's next?" Still writtin, still droppin bangers Still spittin, still trying to enlighten Doin beats for everybody from no names to Maestro Fresh Wes Did a few songs on his new album, some are sayin their his best yet Toured with Ludacris, that was dope but pissed his management off I'm a hard act to follow, at least that's what his management thought I careless who I'm playin with, I still give 100% I'm finally gettin recognized but still have trouble payin my rent Workin on my tenth record, my tenth demo, call it what you will Still recordin in my bedroom studio without a record deal But things will change, I'm a patient guy, I know what I'm workin with This record industry's funny, you can't keep me behind curtains kid "Class, Class, excuse me, you've been doin this for a little while now What are you going to do if it doesn't work out?" Well a job ain't for me, I'll tell ya the truth I'm a lazy cat So if this hip-hop shit don't work out I got nowhere else to fall back Ain't trying to go to school, or go back to doing computer support I FUCKIN HATED that job so of course it'll be my last resort I'm trying to make some cash, through rap so I can support my ass But never change my style for anybody, still the same old Class And if I make it or not, it doesn't matter I'll still do this Just behind closed doors the way I started with this music "Class, tell me what makes you different from everyone else?" "Where did you grow up at?" "Do people compare you to Eminem?" "Classified, how would you describe your music?" It's hip-hop... That's it... Stop askin the same questions
Writer(s): Luke Boyd Lyrics powered by