
Nature unwinds in a data stream Losing insight polluted thoroughly Boundaries are breached and broken, abetting essence shattering Identity declines Difference withering Hybridization Models of a future being mechanizing flesh and bone Suppressing human capabilities An insert subservient burden instilled by an expanding fearful thought Abnegation Falsified life, hardly existing Communication sound and sight with no meaning Somatic resignation in favor of repudiated consciousness Organized to enable deference The mind designed with imprecise comprehending Free will resigned to unanimity No soul, no dream Replaced by something that's empty Not pride, nor shame All achievement withstanding Homogeny, a delicate state for the spreading of turbid ideology Guiding principles approach terminus Delivering and alternation of formation Pervasion of the inviolable sacrosanct dominion Poisoned intellect with the body in disarray Such disarray Poisoned intellect with the body in such disarray The mind designed with imprecise comprehending Free will resigned to unanimity No soul, no dream Replaced by something that's empty Not pride, nor shame All achievement withstanding
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