
Nikki comes to the diary room Hello, Nikki I'm feeling very venomous and angry How dare she vote for me? She doesn't even know me She doesn't even know who I am, what I'd like She's never even spoken to me, won't even give me the chance She won't even look at me (Big Brother says you need to calm down) Who is she? Who is she? Who is she? Where did you find her? At the chip shop (Binley), looking like a slag Sucking on the manager's dick for a fag' You got ten quid, lemme give you a shag I'm looking for a dealer, I'ma need a ten bag At the chip shop, waiting for the dealer Hair up in a bun and my lipstick concealer Then I hear my government Yo, hey Kalila! Turn around outside What's good, my dealer? Tell me now what you got for me 'Cause you know I don't give gock-gock for free He said, I got the shit, shit so loud Shit so loud, could hear it in a crowd I'm just there like damn Getting fucked up really wasn't my plan But I have to stan Now my mind gone like Madeline McCann Hey, fancy another one? Big Brother house This is kkbutterfly speaking You are live on air, so please do not swear The British public has been voting on Who the biggest slag is And it turns out, it's fucking me I'm a little slag, I'm a little slag I'm a little slag, yeah I'm a little slag I'm a little slag, I'm a little slag I'm a little slag, yeah I'm a little slag
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