
A is for the Apple of my eye B is for the Baby that you are C is for I Can't believe you're here And D is for the Dazzle of your star E, Every day I want to spend with you F, I'll never Fail to be around G, all the Growing that you're gonna do H, so Happy and Homeward bound I is for the Impish way you act J is for the Joyfulness you bring K is for the Kisses I must give And L is for your Laughter when I sing M, the Melody you bring to me N, the Never-ending want for more O, the way that you Outshine the sun P, the Playful nature I adore Q is for Quiet when you sleep R is for your Rosy, Ruddy cheeks S is for that Sassy little Smile And T is for your Tender, silly squeaks U, Unlimited discovery V, a View from underneath the tree W, a Whisper and a Warm embrace X, X-ray you see through me Y is for the Yes I say to you Z is for the Zaniness of two A to Z that is the alphabet Let's go again so we don't forget
Writer(s): Steven Di Pilla Lyrics powered by