
This is the end of every act that has been Where the back gets packed and the when gets penned Primed by a line, then a sine into waves Finally aligned, we can flip this phase First stage: Attain unity gain Through reverse attenuation of our own domain Where the maimed to do not feign who they are Armored in beauty marks fools call scars Feet of clay need to be beat No throwing out shade to avoid the heat See, the ravine between weak and strong Both may fall, but one goes on Fate, a slate, the gate awaits But the fight's right now, might as well be great Amputate the dead weight, sever all ties It's time for you to Rise (rise) Put 'em up (aye) Reach out and seize what needs to be realized Rise Between the eyes Where the elevation lies we rise Rise Calling out (aye) Throw down a rope of hope and open the skies For you and I So we can rise Push through all hues black and blue Pull back from the pack, aim high, and shoot true Better unfettered, not tethered together to Has-beens, have-nots, those who never do Others and their druthers can negate great plans 'Cause people hate what they fear, what they don't understand The mettle of a man is four nines fine So preserve your neural net worth and pay no mind Cash in the fact the past is aft ash But the present is a gift and the future can be vast Though the act of protracted battle is a dark art Those who have the heart are gonna make their mark I see thee suffused in solution What used to be a seedling has sprouted revolution Bask in a class, ever-summing in size Come one, come all, and Rise (rise) Put 'em up (aye) Reach out and seize what needs to be realized Rise Between the eyes Where the elevation lies we rise Rise Calling out (aye) Throw down a rope of hope and open the skies For you and I So we can rise Speech that'll reach and is worthy to teach Can be a lost soul's sought scroll, sermon of the streets But bastions of action don't just defer to words Truth is a scene, it is not a herd To the battle-born, war torn, beaten and bruised All the muted, forgotten, abandoned, abused The view of few, that's gone unheard It's now time for you to hear and heed these words Thoughts get myopic when not on the mission But seeing eye-to-eye is the way we share a vision May this wisdom and all it implies be fuel for you to Rise (rise) Put 'em up (aye) Reach out and seize what needs to be realized Rise In between the eyes Where the elevation lies we rise Rise Let it ride (aye) Throwing out all the doubts that cloud the skies All allies, now we can rise
Writer(s): Avery Watts Lyrics powered by