
I wake another morning at the dawning lost in thought Wonder about the thunder in my mind and in my heart Moving to the future in the nurture of the pain Alone with distant music pounding rhythms in the rain Human yet immortal lost in time outside the portal Given to disaster with a thought of dying faster Hope can be fleeting never have the chance of being The saving grace of knowledge and change Be the one who inspires the sun And blooms the flowers in springtime Hope is the only magic that illuminates the strange Give love to each other Be kind to strangers Maybe hope is the answer Whatever the question Can't be too kind Another day of doubt no idea what it's about Isolation's not the equation to cure a human heart Belief in the possible and not the irrational Learn what is feasible even if it's difficult The mind's the only muscle that can make you cry Take you beyond the errant squandered wish to try Hope may not help weaklings or narcissistic beings Working towards a solution to force their evolution Power of the mind can create the kind of feelings Destructive to the soul deep control of sad devotion What about you What about you And you Give love to each other See the kindness of strangers May hope be the answer Whatever the question Can't be too kind Be kind to all Kindness is the currency of the universe Spend freely Spend freely The rays of the sun are making shadows somewhere It may be sunny here but it's raining over there Giving back from lessons learned Paying forward for graces earned Just love and let love Elation often fleeting leaves the heart slowly beating For the passage of time or the change within the mind As we witness the erosion of a soul explosion creeping We find the strength to keep our distance length behind Moving with the wind keeping fluid stance within the fire Never taking chance to enjoy the happenstance of desire Hope is a glance towards one happy dance against the odds Or be nothing more than disaster in store with only fear to follow Believe in the outcome you want then find your path to the gods Lest your wishes and dreams become manipulated schemes of horror Beasties beasties beasties beasties Beasties beasties beasties beasties Beasties beasties beasties beasties Beasties beasties beasties beasties Empathy You see it in the floods and in the fires You see it in the hurricanes of human desire Empathy You feel it in your panic to your cries Your actions show your feelings As your spirit starts to rise Empathy Drives you like an engine deep inside To do what's right no matter there's no prize Give love to each other See the kindness of strangers Maybe hope is the answer Whatever the question Can't be too kind Be the love for each other See the kindness of strangers Hope is the only answer Whatever the question Be kind to all Be kind to all Be kind to all Be kind be kind to all Unique is better than sameness Unique is better than sameness Beasties be kind
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