
Nobody owns you, not the ones you love Not a teacher or a leader, or a god above Nobody owns you, not the one who pays Or the mother that has given you her yesterdays You're as free as an October breeze And it's time to get up off your knees Listen to me, please Nobody owns you Nobody owns you 'cause they bought your drink Or because they care so much about the thoughts you think Nobody owns you, not the ones you fight Not the one who holds you close and takes you home tonight You're as free as the wind in the street And it's time to stand up on your feet Darling, you're complete Nobody owns you Nobody owns you, though they might insist That you signed a little bargain when you held their wrist Nobody owns you 'cause they told you so Not the one who held you down so many years ago You're as free as the light in the trees So it's time to get up off your knees Understand me, please Nobody owns you Nobody owns you Nobody owns you Nobody owns you
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