
Improbable mission, get into position, this isn't a damn drill Time to start the engine, head into collision and bring it to stand-still Target acquired, fire at will, I'm hired to hunt down and kill Spy versus spy inside the mind of a liar and I got my hands filled Fist fights Bare knucks With a big knife, crawling around in there air ducts Someone home Cover blown Zipline escaping out of sheer luck OH Briefcase by the handle as I dangle from a window ledge Kicking both legs OH Street chase, tip over a fruit stand and limp away Saving the world is in a simple day for spies like these Out of the limelight please We keep it incognito At the gala ball with a gal with a parasol in a black tuxedo And the fact is we know shit's about to go down in a big way right after the keynote In a packed casino Disarm the bomb with seconds left and laugh as we go Welcome to secret agent life Here's your number forget your name And once you get a good taste Nothing will ever be the same It gets a little dangerous but with the salary we can't complain Welcome to secret agent life Welcome to secret agent life We took over the ball room floor We taught them what the ballroom is We took over the ballroom floor We taught them bout the ballroom blitz We took the dance floor It was a ballroom blitz
Writer(s): Lalo Schifrin Lyrics powered by