
You'd better run. You'd better hide You'd better sneak away from the creature that's inside All it takes is one stray, unfortunate night To lay the foundation for the tomb in which you'll lie I know it seems so fun to spend all of your time Trapped within the entropy you've created in your mind But please do heed my warning, son You're not so different than I The day that you succumb to me is the day that we both die Laughter Is that what you want to hear? Come on, man, no need to fear You've lived your life so clean and coddled, so don't act so queer Or perhaps act even more so Put your hand up on his torso Put your lips up to the bottle and let the liquid run its course Though, perhaps you're Dr. Right? If so, then I'll be Mr. Wrong Wanton with the wicked deeds. Come on! You've had your song They say that when a good man's eyelids rain, a bad one's drink is poured So say hello to the main event and say goodbye to the before And raise a glass up to the one and only; the lowly, unholy Gothic Whore! You'd better run You'd better hide You'd better to pray to God that our paths do not collide Monsters. Murder. Mayhem all await the feeble mind The back-end of morality rears its head out in the night You'd best conspire You'd best connive You know the Devil will not go down without a fight Kick an old man to the fucking ground just for looking at me snide Dr. Jekyll has left the building You can call me Mr. Hyde Aw man, screw that tempo! That ain't no jive at all Pick up the pace Paint desire on your face and see just how quickly they fall The dishonourable Edward Hyde; The King of Vice that can't be retconned The backside of the coin the weak are too afraid to bet on Flip it in the air and see just which way the wind blows Then throw it in the slots and see how far your luck goes Succumb to the song of the sinner and see the sunset Slowly sink down to show that the sonnet's still not done yet To think that they thought that that theologist could stop this HA! I promise not one orison could stop this hotness Hey... I'm just being honest But please, forgive me if I'm sounding nonsensical It's just that it's hard to remain sensible when my thoughts verge on unethical The things I think are reprehensible! Oh, yes, my mind's eye sides with the incomprehensible An addict combating a lack of sobriety His drink of choice? A mental breakdown of the existential variety This lackadaisical cage he calls 'light compliance,' see Is yet another lie to try to disguise the key But there's no better way to be than basal, with no agency Your past and present faces me with unyielding vacancy My atrophy besteth thee with incredible efficacy So dwell not on history and look to where you want to be And he'll say that that's far, far, far, far, far, far away from me But don't crawl away Don't run and hide Don't play the hero, no, you know you won't survive He did this to himself, man. I'm just the other side For every Henry in this world, there's an Edward stuck behind So play your songs and roll the dice Try your hand at impulse and lay the other on someone nice Feed the demon a bite of freedom, just a morsel now and then will do And if you sense dissension Please, do pay attention 'Cos you know that demon is you It hurts to see that rotten beast But more than it hurts to think does it hurt when it's unleashed So keep it docile Keep it on your side Lest you look upon its wrath from the back of your own mind You know it's true Don't avert your eyes This is just what happens when you split virtue from vice Death, despair, decay will extract what's left of life And right when you need a doctor I'll be there to twist the knife
Writer(s): Todd Daffy Lyrics powered by