
閉上眼問自己 我為何在這裡 睜開眼才發現 我正跟著指引 我曾把不安的心 埋葬在這裡 但我又毫不意外 回到了這裡 開始得很意外 就把腳步邁開 也許感到無奈 或許不好不壞 閉上眼問自己 睜開眼才發現 我正跟著指引 我曾把不安的心 埋葬在這裡 直到我抬起腳 才看到腳底 開始得很意外 就把腳步邁開 也許感到無奈 或許不好不壞 I recall that song is called "Let It Be" I recall that song is called "Let It Be" I recall that song is called "Let It Be" I recall that song is called "Let It Be" I recall that song is called "Let It Be" I recall that song is called "Let It Be"
Writer(s): 劉偉頡 Lyrics powered by