
Just before Christmas On the cold Bay of Fundy Ferries crossed over And a fishing boat went down And the fishermen drowned In the waves of the water In sight of the shoreline And the lights of the towns They'd been out for a while Been hard at the fishing Hatched out their boat Were headed for home Back to the dock In the town they were born in Better off for it And tired to the bone Eternal Father so strong to save Bind the restless waves There was no word For there was no warning Whatever came on them Came out of the blue Rocked from their dreams Then deep down to darkness Barely a prayer Not a thing they could do Eternal Father so strong to save Bind the restless waves The crew of the Chief Didn't make it to Christmas Didn't make it the last miles They needed the most Now the Christmas lights shine From the house in the harbour On the Bay and the tides And the sons and the ghosts Eternal Father so strong to save Bind the restless waves Eternal Father so strong to save Bind the restless waves
Writer(s): David Francey, Terra Spencer Lyrics powered by