
Tonight I am so afraid I feel locked in this maze There's all this creaking on the stairs And it sounds so unfamiliar I called out but you feel Far away I dread the night Cause I can't fall asleep I see them whispering My doom All these monsters In my room Scratching at the door Scratching at my face Black shadows All over the place Whispering my death Whispering my doom They laugh as I cry out For you Tonight they won't let go They're getting extra bold They try to curse your name When will you intervene I call out but you feel Far away I dread the night Cause I can't fall asleep I see them screaming Out my doom All these monsters In my room Clawing on the floor And on the ceiling They hunch over And try to choke me My strength fails As they loom I need you to protect me From the monsters in my room Scratching at the door Scratching at my face Black shadows All over the place Growling out my death Screaming out my doom I need you to protect me From the monsters in my room
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