
I tell myself The pain is chemical it's not real But still I feel Like I'm alone inside a dream I can't wake up to scream That I'm not asleep Are we just machines Are we just cruel beasts We put ourselves through war and peace The knife in front don't cut as deep The villain dies The hero weeps All these years of Internet strangers Debating dangers How much you got done up in those echo chambers How much just anger? How many shootings stopped How many brand new angels You seen that person die today? Well here's a different angle And we're the biggest cause of all our biggest problems Cause we got flaws that we don't acknowledge So then we bottle 'em, they get forgotten And then one day we just explode Our egoes hold us hostage Self-aware but it's still there regardless And so I wonder what's still missing What's a view without the vision What if God has no religion? Human beings all the same but still there's levels to existence Nothing ever changes somehow everything is different The blind praise A one-eyed king Not me The crown lays at my feet In pieces You keep reaping what you sow So to speak Oh wait, no way, overthrew the rulers Cold day, both ways, and she with medusa Slide up, eyes shut, I can see the future Everyone in this movie, in this movie Oh wait, no way, overthrew the rulers Cold day, both ways, and she with medusa Slide up, eyes shut, I can see the future Everyone in this movie Dies
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